Monday, May 12, 2008

Preventing Burns

Preventing Burns in the workplace

By Josh

Online Video
Go to youtube and search for The Chef - WSIB Workplace Safety Ad (please not that there is graphic content and most people will find disturbing)

Various states have different organisations or boards for preventing workplace injury.

Major Risk Areas for Burns

Synthetics manufacturing is largely a chemical process in which chemicals are mixed and treated to form a wide variety of products. Much of the work is highly repetitive and involves contact with machinery and chemical raw materials which can cause significant injuries and illnesses if they are not handled properly.
Burns occur from exposure to hot materials, electrical sources, steam, machinery, fires or chemical exposure

The Hospitality industry is one of the largest industry’s in Australia and includes chef’s, kitchen hands, waiters and bar attendants. Major causes of burns in this area are from hot liquids including oil, water and some vapours such as steam

The electrical industry consists of electricians, electrical manufacturers and electricity workers. Major causes of burns in this area include burns caused by faulty wiring, contact with live power lines and electrical circuits.

Remember work SAFE
Spot the hazard
Asses the Risk
Fix the problem
Evaluate Results

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